CSL Behring manufactures two human albumin products, Alburex® 5 AU and Alburex® 20 AU with concentrations of 5% (50 g/L) and 20% (200 g/L) respectively.
These two products have replaced Albumex® 4 and Albumex® 20.
Due to variations in manufacturing processes albumin products can vary in colour. Alburex® 5 AU and Alburex® 20 AU are clear, almost colourless, yellow, amber, or green liquids. Colour variation is attributed to small amounts of the degradation products of bilirubin, biliverdin and lumirubin. This is normal and the products are safe to use.
Always read and refer to the specific product information sheet prior to the administration of an albumin product.
It is important to administer the correct concentration because error could result in severe circulatory overload or cardiac failure.
- Albumex® 4
Albumex® 4 (Human Albumin 40 g/L) is indicated in shock associated with significant hypoalbuminaemia (albumin < 25 g/L), therapeutic plasmapheresis and in cardiothoracic surgery.
Albumex® 4 product information
This link takes you to CSL Behring's web information about Albumex® 4. You can download the product information (PI) sheet from this web page.
The PI details the pharmacology, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, use in pregnancy and lactation, adverse effects, and dosage and administration of Albumex® 4.
- Albumex® 20
Albumex® 20 (Human Albumin 200 g/L) is given to critically ill patients with extremely low albumin. It’s also indicated in burns, paracentesis of ascites and haemodialysis.
Albumex® 20 product information
This link takes you to CSL Behring's web information about Albumex® 20. You can download the product information (PI) sheet from this web page.
The PI details the pharmacology, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, use in pregnancy and lactation, adverse effects, and dosage and administration of Albumex® 20.
- Alburex ® 5 AU
Alburex® 5 AU (Human Albumin 50 g/L) is an Australian manufactured albumin product accessed under the National Blood Supply (NBS) arrangements.
Alburex® 5 AU is supplied by CSL Behring as a 5% (50 g/L) solution in vial sizes 250 mL/12.5g and 500 mL/25g.
Albumex® 5 AU is indicated for the restoration and maintenance circulating blood volume where volume deficiency has been demonstrated and use of a colloid is appropriate.Information on supply and pricing is outlined on the National Blood Authority website.
Alburex® 5 AU product information
This link takes you to CSL Behring's web information about Alburex® 5 AU. You can download the product information (PI) sheet from this web page.
The PI details the pharmacology, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, use in pregnancy and lactation, dosage and administration of Alburex® 5 AU.
Lifeblood has sent a letter to all Approved Health Providers regarding the introduction of Alburex® 5 AU and a copy can be found here.
More information about the transition to Alburex® 5 AU can be found on CSL Behring’s website Resource Hub for Healthcare Professionals and on the National Blood Authority’s website.- Alburex® 20 AU
Alburex® 20 AU (Human Albumin 200 g/L solution in vial sizes 10g/50mL and 20g/100mL) is an Australian albumin product manufactured by CSL Behring and accessed under the NBS arrangements.
Alburex® 20 AU is indicated for the restoration and maintenance circulating blood volume where volume deficiency has been demonstrated and use of colloid is appropriate.
Information on supply and pricing is outlined on the National Blood Authority website.
Alburex® 20 AU product information
This link takes you to CSL Behring's company website where you can access information about Alburex® 20 AU. You can download the product information (PI) sheet from this web page.
The PI details the pharmacology, indications, contraindications, precautions, adverse effects, use in pregnancy and lactation, dosage and administration of Albumex® 20 AU.
Lifeblood has sent a letter to all approved Health Providers regarding the introduction of Alburex® 20 AU and a copy can be found here.
More information about the transition to Alburex® 20 AU can be found on CSL Behring’s website Resource Hub for Healthcare Professionals and on the National Blood Authority’s website.
Alburex® 5 AU co-administration with red cells and medications
The ANZSBT through its ‘Clinical Practice Improvement Committee (CPIC) have noted the absence of guidance in the use of 5% albumin (Alburex® 5 AU) and in particular compatibility of this product with fresh blood products and certain medications as traditionally has been the case with 4% albumin (Albumex® 4).
The ANZSBT Guidelines for the administration of blood products have recently been updated and continue to support albumin co-administration with red cells irrespective of albumin concentration. Additional guidance on managing conflicts between prescriber information for medications and manufactured plasma components is provided in these guidelines.