Why register as a stem cell donor?
Stem cells are in the soft tissues inside your bone marrow. They make red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. They can be the only hope for a cure for people with damage to their bone marrow from leukemia or a blood disorder. Your stem cells might just be the perfect match for someone like them.
Can I register?
If you’re aged between 18 to 35 and in good health, you’ll most likely be able to join the registry.
How do I register?
It only takes a few simple steps:
Book a blood donation with Lifeblood
When you arrive in centre, speak to our friendly staff about joining the registry
Give a small blood sample at the same time of your donation
Enjoy a snack on us!
What happens next?
Your blood will be tested, typed, and recorded on the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry. If you’re found to be a match, you’ll be contacted by our friends at Strength to Give who will advise you on the next steps . It might just be one of the most exciting phone calls you ever receive!
Did you know? Donors will only have a 1 in 1,500 chance of being a match each year.
Can’t give blood?
We may still be able to help you register. Give us a call on 13 14 95 to learn about your options.
Curious to learn more? Check out our FAQs
- What is the stem cell donor registry and how is it connected to Lifeblood?
The Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry is run by our friends at Strength to Give. Lifeblood is a proud partner, and we help recruit donors for recipients needing their perfect match.
- Why donate and register with Lifeblood?
When you register and donate with Lifeblood, you could be twice the lifesaver. Not only will you join the stem cell registry and potentially donate your bone marrow to someone in need, but you will also support patients who need blood or plasma products as part of their treatment.
- How often does a patient find a match within their family?
Only 30% of patients find a match within their family. The remaining 70% of patients need to find an unrelated donor through the Australian donor registry or stem cell registries around the world
- I’m already a blood donor. How do I sign up to the registry?
We'd love to help! If you’re between 18 to 35 years old, just speak to a friendly staff at your next blood donation and we’ll help you with the sign-up process.
- If I am found to be a stem cell donor match, how does blood stem cell donation work?
If you are the perfect match for a patient, you will be contacted by our friends at Strength to Give. For most blood stem cell donations (around 90% of the time), the process is a lot like giving plasma, with a few additional steps. To find out more about the donation process, check out this handy information from Strength to Give.
All donations are safe to do, and you’ll always feel incredibly special knowing you’ve helped save someone’s life. To find out more, check out Strength to Give.