Transfusions may help cancer patients in a few ways, whether during surgery or to treat the side effects of chemotherapy, or even for the cancer itself.
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You may need a transfusion if you have lost a large amount of blood before, during or after surgery.
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Anaemia can be caused by many medical conditions. When it gets severe, a transfusion of red cells may help your low red blood cell count and haemoglobin.
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Iron deficiency
While iron deficiency can be treated with supplements, on rare occasions a transfusion may be required.
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Bleeding disorder
A platelet or plasma transfusion may help your blood clot if you suffer from a bleeding disorder. If you’ve lost a lot of blood, red cells may be required.
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Pregnancy and childbirth
Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but some people need blood products before, during or immediately after giving birth.
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