Product usage

Our work provides data on effective transfusion practice, identifies the most effective products for certain clinical settings and helps us understand how products that are in high demand are used, such as O negative red cells.

Research leaders

Photo of Prof David O. Irving
Prof David O. Irving


Product Usage

Dr Rena Hirani
Dr Rena Hirani

Senior Research Fellow

Product Usage

A picture of Dr Wayne Dyer
Dr Wayne B. Dyer

Senior Research Fellow

Product Usage

Current projects

Data linkages 

During 2015-2016, our researchers and their collaborators at the Kolling Institute and the Clinical Excellence Commission completed a four-year study to improve the medical treatment of mothers who bleed during childbirth. The study helps doctors make better decisions on when they should give blood transfusions. We looked at whether the quantities of blood given were appropriate, whether that blood was given under the right conditions, and what the outcomes were. By understanding how blood is being used, we can help inform guidelines for clinical practice. 


Does removing white cells make transfusion safer? 

One undesirable outcome associated with blood transfusion is the persistence of donor white cells in the transfusion recipient, known as microchimerism. This condition is a significant risk for multiply transfused patients. Since 2008, white blood cells have been removed from red blood cell units by filtration before transfusion (leucodepletion) to minimise this risk. Despite the introduction of leucodepletion, microchimerism still occurs in massively transfused patients. Studies are underway to find out the characteristics of the white cells which remain in filtered red blood cell units to better understand how microchimerism develops. 

Latest findings

Selected publications

Fresh red cells for transfusion in critically ill adults: an economic evaluation of the standard issue transfusion versus fresher red-cell use in intensive care (TRANSFUSE) clinical trial
Irving A, Higgins A, Ady B, Bellomo R, Cooper DJ, French C, Gantner D, Harris A, Irving DO, Murray L, Nichol A, Petrie D, McQuilten ZK.
Crit Care Med
47: e572-e579
Comparison of group O Rh(D)- red blood cell use in pregnant women across hospitals of various sizes and obstetric capabilities prior to the introduction of patient blood management guidelines
Patterson JA, Hirani R, Irving DO, Nicholl MC, Ford JB.
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology
epub 2019/08/02;10.1111/ajo.13043
Mortality and hospital readmissions in the first year of life after intra-uterine and neonatal blood product transfusions: A population data linkage study.
Randall DA, Bowen JR, Patterson JA, Irving DO, Hirani R, Ford JB. J
Paediatrics Child Health
55: 1201-1208
A randomized, controlled pilot clinical trial of cryopreserved platelets for perioperative surgical bleeding: the CLIP-I trial
Reade MC, Marks DC, Bellomo R, Deans R, Faulke DJ, Fraser JF, Gattas DJ, Holley AD, Irving DO, Johnson L, Pearse BL, Royse AG, Wong J.
59: 2794-2804