Doctor Joanne Tan

Dr Joanne Tan

Dr Joanne Tan

Research Fellow

Research Fellow Associate, University of Sydney

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Joanne works across a number of projects. She examines the link between frequent whole blood donation, iron status and the red cell storage lesion; she characterises the growth factor concentration in serum eye drop product; she characterises a whole blood product for transfusion, and she investigates the responder and non-responder profiles in anti-D donors following RhD-positive red blood cell immunisation. She completed a PhD at the University of Sydney (Westmead Millennium Institute) in molecular biology and infectious diseases.

  • Red Cross Distinguished Team award (2022)
  • Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) Research Fund Grant (2014, 2021)
  • Young Investigator Award from the National Blood Authority at the ANZSBT Annual Scientific Meeting (2017)
  • ANZSBT Best Poster Prize (2019)
  • ANZSBT Travel Grant (2013)
  • Education Officer for the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Cellular Therapies Working Party
  • Supervises and mentors research staff and students

Key publications

X- and gamma-irradiation have similar effects on the in vitro quality of stored red cell components
Marks DC, Webb RG, Linnane C, Aung HH, Dennington PM, Tan JCG
Serum growth factor stability in different eye drop packaging systems during storage
Tan JCG, Webb RG, Marks DC.
Transfusion and Apheresis Science
59 (1):1-5.
D-immunized blood donors who are female and who possess at least one HLA-DRB1*15 allele show a propensity for high serum RhIG production.
Tan JCG, Yuan FF, Daley J, Marks K, Flower RL, Dyer WB.
58 (5):1182-1188.
Immunomodulation of inflammatory leukocyte markers during IVIg treatment associated with clinical efficacy in CIDP.
Dyer WB, Tan JCG, Day T, Kiers L, Kiernan MC, Yiannikas C, Reddel S, Ng K, Mondy P, Dennington PM, Dean MM, Trist HM, dos Remedeios C, Hogarth PM, Vucic S, Irving DOI.
Brain and Behaviour
2016; e00516:1-11.
Identification of genetic polymorphisms that predict responder/non-responder profiles to the RhD antigen.
Tan JCG, Armstrong NJ, Yuan, FF, Flower RL, Dyer WB.
Molecular Immunology