Doctor Eileen Roulis

Doctor Eileen Roulis

Dr Eileen Roulis

Senior Research Fellow

Sessional Academic , Queensland University of Technology

Connect with Dr Roulis Email LinkedIn Research Gate

Eileen uses genomic sequencing technologies to improve product safety. She leads projects on transfusion-transmitted infections and emerging risks, with a focus on how genomics can be used to complement testing strategies. She is also involved in projects examining blood group antigen profiles from donors of diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Eileen obtained her PhD in Molecular Microbiology at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). She is an adjunct lecturer at QUT, where she is active in undergraduate teaching and postgraduate supervision in microbiology and molecular biology. Eileen has supervised a number of postgraduate students from QUT, University of Queensland, University of the Sunshine Coast and Mount Kenya University.

  • Outstanding Doctoral Thesis, QUT (2016)
  • Successful completions: Four PhD students (QUT, UQ, Mount Kenya University) and one Honours student (USC) 
  • Current supervision: 3 MPhil student (QUT)

Key publications

Next generation sequencing to identify iron status and individualise blood donors’ experience: Gene sequencing to improve blood donors’ experiences
Jacko G, Sivakaanthan A, Obeysekera M, Welvaert M, Viennet E, Hyland C, Tung JP, Perros A J, Flower RL, Roulis E.
Blood Transfusion
doi: 10.2450/BloodTransfus.499
Low Genetic Diversity of Hepatitis B Virus Surface Gene amongst Australian Blood Donors.
Phan N.M.H., Faddy H.M., Flower R.L., Dimech W.J., Spann K.M., Roulis E.V.
Targeted exome sequencing designed for blood group, platelet, and neutrophil antigen investigations: Proof‐of‐principle study for a customized single‐test system.
Roulis E, Schoeman E, Hobbs M, Jones G, Burton M, Pahn G, Liew YW, Flower R and Hyland CA.
60: 2108– 2120.
Comprehensive blood group antigen profile predictions for Western Desert Indigenous Australians from whole exome sequence data
Schoeman EM, Roulis EV, Perry MA, Flower RL and Hyland CA
59: 768-778.
Molecular Basis and Clinical Overview of McLeod Syndrome Compared With Other Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes: A Review
Roulis E, Hyland C, Flower R, Gassner C, Jung HH, Frey BM.
JAMA Neurol.