Townsville - Your story could save lives

Did you know the plasma you received during treatment may have come from a Townsville donor? You could have passed them on the street and wouldn’t even know it!

At Townsville Donor Centre, we know our donors are incredible people. They choose to give a part of themselves to help others without the need for reward or recognition. We want to show them how much their gift really means to the people who receive it, but we can’t do it without you.

Share your story. Save lives.

illustration of two people holding up a big icon of a thumbs up
Share your story as a message

Your story will be sent as a post-donation thank you message, encouraging them to keep up the good work and ensuring recipients like you receive the care they need.

illustration of a person holding up a mobile phone
Share your story in a video

Recording a video is a great way to show your appreciation and gives donors a chance to see the people they’re helping. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert when it comes to operating a camera, if you’ve got a smartphone, you’re all set!

Tips on sharing your story
  • Let them know you’re a local like them!
  • Tell them why you needed plasma.
  • Explain how it’s changed your life.
  • Show you appreciation with a big thank you!
Filming tips
  • Length: try and keep your video short, up to 30 seconds is a good guide.
  • Background: don’t blur the background, find a clean space like a bookcase to record in front of.
  • Sound: make sure you’re in a nice quiet space so we can hear you clearly.
  • Light: face towards a light, like a window or lamp to avoid shadows on your face.

If you need a little inspiration, you can check out examples from other recipients here

You don’t even have to be a recipient to share your story.

If someone you care about needed blood products, our donors would love to hear from you too.

Send us your story

Personal details

Contact details

Your story

One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm.

Have a question? We're here to help.

By clicking 'submit my story', you’re giving Lifeblood permission to contact you for more information, edit your story and publish it and are agreeing to the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Privacy PolicyCollection Statement and Terms and Conditions.