Sorry, you’re not eligible to donate
Thanks for your interest, but unfortunately you can’t donate microbiota.
Having a high BMI increases your risk of certain diseases, including undiagnosed diseases that can affect the health of your gut microbiome.
All our donation criteria are in place to protect the health and safety of both our donors and recipients of Lifeblood FMT and in compliance with regulatory guidelines.
You may still be able to give blood or help in other ways.
Thanks for your interest, but unfortunately you can’t donate microbiota.
Having a high BMI increases your risk of certain diseases, including undiagnosed diseases that can affect the health of your gut microbiome.
All our donation criteria are in place to protect the health and safety of both our donors and recipients of Lifeblood FMT and in compliance with regulatory guidelines.
You may still be able to give blood or help in other ways.