Most people feel great after donating. We hear it all the time: “That was easier than I expected!”
It’s natural to be a bit nervous around needles or blood, but it doesn’t need to stop you from giving life. Here are the top tips, coming straight from our most experienced donors and nurses.

Let them know you’re nervous, and we’re sure your friend will do everything in their power to distract you and keep you calm.

It can be tempting to watch the donation, but turn your head to look at the TV or to chat to a friend. You might even forget it’s happening.

Milkshake? Sausage roll? The warm glow that comes from saving lives? It can help to think about how you'll reward yourself after the donation.

The people who receive blood sometimes need to have needles, and many of them are scared too. Your donation is getting them through a really tough time — or maybe even saving their life.

Distract yourself by finding the perfect filter. You could encourage someone else to become a donor, too. Don’t forget to tag @lifebloodau!

Your courage can save someone's life. Feels pretty great, doesn’t it?
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